The Brooklyn Life

A blog by Brooklyn Suites

What is a Serviced Apartment?

Posted by Katie on Mar 23, 2015 12:00:00 PM

Apartment hunting is hard enough, but knowing what to look for gives you the edge when on the prowl for a new place to live. There's quite a few properties in NYC that have seen a lot, so when living long term (or short term) many would like to stay at place that feels like a part of history... but not look like it has been outdated history. Thankfully, property has been renovated to keep new clients coming in... not only to put a roof over a client's head, but to accommodate the resident as well.


What's A Serviced Apartment?

A serviced apartment is just like a regular apartment, but supplies some of the service a hotel would have to offer. Many of these services include a front desk to service your needs, a parking lot, soft furnishings, and housekeeping. What makes these living arrangements appealing for many is that they're less expensive than an extended stay at a hotel. Being perfect for international travelers and business folk, these apartments can easily match your interests for visiting for long term or short term occupancy.

Types Of Serviced Apartments

There's a few different types of service apartments available, so here's a quick guide to find the proper accommodation that would suit you best:

  • Extended Stay Hotel - An extended stay hotel is basically a home away from home, meaning that it operates like a hotel (reception desk, location in city, etc.) and can accommodate much like an apartment or studio.
  • Corporate Housing - Corporate housing is suited for traveling business folk, which means they come in packages that offer utility taxes, local taxes, and much more for stays over thirty days. These are often located in business areas of a city, so traveling isn't a hassle for the occupant.

These serviced apartments are alike in the fact that they both come fully furnished and equipped with many of the luxuries a hotel would offer. High end corporate housing apartments offer European kitchens, a washer/dryer system, oversized tubs, and plenty of other offers that will make it difficult to leave a residence.   

With this being said, these apartments are there to bring you the best of what a hotel can offer... but at a much lower price. Given the options for living arrangements, you can think of a serviced apartment as home away from home... with more room service and a clean towel every day. Contact Brooklyn Suites today and check out what's in store!

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As a boutique management company, we take pride in making our guests feel at home in our comfortable and carefully maintained apartments.

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